result count: 4

Sys427742_nameInto the Ashwood Forest
Sys427742_szquest_accept_detailKerley Hill is going to find out just what the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] is playing at. But we need to continue with the next stage of the plan.\n\nThe scouts have brought news that the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] main base on [ZONE_ZACEHS_ISLAND|Chassizz] is located at the peak of the Zerus Volcano. They've set up a series of control points along the way, with the aim of impeding the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] progress. We'll have to smash them all to make our way through.\n\nThe next control point is in an area called the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest]. Please follow us there so we can work on a way of cracking this next obstacle.
Sys427742_szquest_complete_detailGreetings, adventurer! [124582|Aydan Highlander] has been injured. Nothing serious, but I've told him he needs to take some time to recuperate.\n\nI've managed to find out some things regarding the Reaper's reappearance. [124582|Aydan Highlander] already knows about my initial findings.
Sys427742_szquest_descPlease head to the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] and meet [124582|Aydan Highlander].