result count: 19

SC_SKILL427931_0Please tell me when you're ready.
SC_SKILL427931_1I'm ready to build an Ornithopter!
SC_SKILL427931_10Please follow the instructions!
SC_SKILL427931_11Crafting failed!
SC_SKILL427931_12I want a [242090|Hardwork Craft Package].
SC_SKILL427931_13You need 6 [240060|Craft Festival Celebration Certificates] for that. You don't have enough!
SC_SKILL427931_2Please get the [244345|Refined Steel] from the [124898|Toolbox] in the allotted time.
SC_SKILL427931_3I should tell you that smithing is an art form. Time is an important factor, and you always have to keep an eye on the temperature. It's all about getting the order of things right; you can't afford to put one foot wrong!
SC_SKILL427931_4Greetings, [124899|Tillian Coppertooth]. I've finished the Ornithopter's framework.
SC_SKILL427931_5Not bad! Looks like you have a knack.
SC_SKILL427931_6Go to the [124894|Furnace] in the allotted time and heat up the [244345|Refined Steel].
SC_SKILL427931_7Go to the [124896|Forge] in the allotted time and work the [244346|Heated Metal Rod].
SC_SKILL427931_8Go to the [124897|Cooling Tank] in the allotted time and quench the [244347|Worked Metal].
SC_SKILL427931_9Give [124899|Tillian Coppertooth] the [244348|Almost Complete Framework] in the allotted time.
Sys427931_nameCreating the Frame
Sys427931_szquest_accept_detailA [DIR_TAGID_648|Craft Festival]? What's that when it's at home? People who enjoy crafting should do it all year round!\n\nI didn't think you'd still be here. Do you want to give the hammer a swing yourself and build an [124885|Ornithopter]?\n\nI put one together myself, once, but since then I just can't seem to get it right. Hahaha!\nNever mind, I'll do it again, one of these days. Shall we get started? Don't worry, the first step is always the hardest.\n\nThe key to putting together an [124885|Ornithopter] is getting the frame right! And of course, not being afraid to make a few mistakes along the way!\n\nGet the materials out of the [124898|Toolbox] and get them heated up in the [124894|Furnace]. Once melted, it needs to go into the [124896|Forge] so you can work on it, before you quench it in the [124897|Cooling Tank]. And make sure you're quick about it!
Sys427931_szquest_complete_detailDarn it! This isn't just hard, it's nearly impossible! How come you can do it, but I can't? Hahaha! Well, it doesn't matter... let's have a beer first before I try again. *burp*
Sys427931_szquest_descFollow [124899|Tillian Coppertooth's] instructions to create an [549877|Ornithopter frame] by following the steps correctly.
Sys427931_szquest_uncomplete_detailFunny... I've tried absolutely everything! Why can I still not do it?