result count: 22

SC_427947_1(Looks up at the old woman with large pleading eyes.)
SC_427947_124961_1You must first speak with [124963|Granny's Little Tiger].
SC_427947_124961_2You have already completed the quest.
SC_427947_124961_3The [124964|old woman] only gives this food to small animals.
SC_427947_124963_0[124963|Granny's Little Tiger] guards the [124961|Appetizing Food] and won't let you have any. Perhaps you have to speak with the [124964|old woman] first.
SC_427947_124963_1[124963|Granny's Little Tiger] doesn't understand what you're saying. You must first transform into a duckling!
SC_427947_2Poor thing, you look absolutely famished. Come in, and granny will fix you something...
SC_427947_3I've prepared you some food and set it beside my cat. You're very welcome to have some. Would you also like to spend the night here?
SC_427947_4The old woman seems to live in a world of her own. Only animals seem to catch her attention.
SC_427947_CAT0I want some of the [124961|Appetizing Food].
SC_427947_CAT1Hunger Meow... Not so fast. First you must answer some questions! And please be honest. Can you look adorable?
SC_427947_CAT2Uhh... no...
SC_427947_CAT3Meow... Can you roll around and lick your own fur?
SC_427947_CAT4Umm... not really...
SC_427947_CAT5Meow... You can at least catch rats, can't you? Then have some of the [124961|Appetizing Food]!
SC_427947_CAT6At least I caught one... (I could have actually caught more...)
SC_427947_CAT7What?! I gave you plenty of time to catch rats, and this is all you've got? How dare you think you can just live here like a freeloader! You should be ashamed of yourself. Go away! Scram!
Sys427947_nameNo Food
Sys427947_szquest_accept_detailEven though the [124960|mother duck] loves the [124962|ugly duckling], the [124962|duckling] doesn't want to see his [124960|mother] sad because the other ducks are constantly laughing at her due to him. He therefore decides to leave the pond to go on a journey of discovery.\n\nThe [124962|duckling] runs and runs and feels like he's about to collapse from hunger. Just then, he spots a house where an [124964|old woman] lives. The friendly [124964|old lady] feels sorry for the duckling and gives him some food and tells him he can stay.\n\nAnd you... yes, you're the [124962|duckling], who finds the [124964|old lady] and asks for food...
Sys427947_szquest_complete_detailBut later, the [124962|ugly duckling] has to leave the house of the [124964|old woman] and continue on his journey.\nThe poor [124962|duckling] stumbles upon a lake and sees a flock of magnificently beautiful white swans spreading their wings and flying away. He asks himself, envious, 'Why can't I look as beautiful as them?'\n\nPoor little duckling... what does destiny have in store for him?
Sys427947_szquest_desc[124955|Chloe Kayla] from [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] mentions that the [124962|ugly duckling] met an [124964|old woman] during his journey who gave him some food. She would now like you to dress up as the [124962|ugly duckling] and go to [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] where you should ask [549921|the old woman for some food].\n\n([124955|Chloe Kayla] and [124957|Nena Kayla] can both help you dress up as the [124962|ugly duckling].)
Sys427947_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are now the [124962|ugly duckling]. Be sure you have the costume on right!