result count: 11

SC_427953_1Give the [124981|Strange Pumpkin] a poke.
SC_427953_2You've already completed this.
SC_427953_3Using [124981|Strange Pumpkin]
SC_427953_4You can't click on it again
SC_427953_5*Rawraawr!* Run away quick!
SC_427953_6Weird... Shouldn't you all be running away...? Whatever, I give up...
Sys427953_nameStrange Pumpkin
Sys427953_szquest_accept_detailA [124981|Strange Pumpkin] has suddenly appeared in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn]. No idea why. But maybe you could go give it a big old poke and see what happens?
Sys427953_szquest_complete_detailWhat kind of weird figure is this [124982|Brutal Teddy Bear] that has just appeared meant to be...?
Sys427953_szquest_descThe [DIR_TAGID_012|Pumpkin Festival] has begun! A [124981|Strange Pumpkin] has suddenly appeared in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn]. Maybe you should go give it a poke and see if anything happens.
Sys427953_szquest_uncomplete_detailGive the [124981|Strange Pumpkin] a big poke.