result count: 15

SC_427956_1You've already scared the [124985|Kid dressed as Little Death].
SC_427956_10The [124986|Terror Toy] lets out a spine-chilling laugh...
SC_427956_2So cute...
SC_427956_3A toy!
SC_427956_4Can you eat it?
SC_427956_5I want to take it home with me!
SC_427956_6You're all really loud!
SC_427956_7Hey... No pushing!
SC_427956_8Um...! Goodness... Wait, hold on! What is this?!
SC_427956_9Outta my way! I'm Death! You'd better stay clear of me!
Sys427956_nameScare the Little Death.
Sys427956_szquest_accept_detailLet's plan how we're going to make the other kids terrified of pumpkins too!\nThis time I was thinking... You could just casually walk over to the [124985|Kid dressed as Little Death] with the [244474|Toybox of Terror] and then set that [124986|Terror Toy] on the kid without warning. I guarantee you that they'll scream in terror too.\n\nAh, what a wonderful [DIR_TAGID_012|Pumpkin Festival]...
Sys427956_szquest_complete_detail*sigh* It's not exactly what I had in mind... Kids these days... It's just so difficult to terrify them. My plan didn't work out. I'll have to come up with something else... But next year it'll definitely work!
Sys427956_szquest_descThe [124983|Mysterious Pumpkin Person] in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] wants you to help them with their plan, and scare the [124985|Kid dressed as Little Death]. You need to use the [244474|Toybox of Terror] and set the [124986|Terror Toy] on that kid.
Sys427956_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust relax. Walk casually over to the [124985|Kid dressed as Little Death] with the [244474|Toybox of Terror] and then set that [124986|Terror Toy] on the kid.