result count: 11

SC_427959_1These track were indeed made by ostriches.
SC_427959_2I tried to cast a tracking spell. Please following the [125002|Ostrich Tracks] to search for [125001|Lost Lil' Red].
SC_427959_3The track need to be compared first for that a tracking spell can be cast.
SC_427959_4There's an egg by the riverside near Engwor! Do you really think Lil' Red might have been... transformed into an ostrich egg?
SC_427959_5The track need to be compared first for that a tracking spell can be cast. Then we can follow the tracks to find Lost Lil' Red.
SC_427959_6Please following the [125002|Ostrich Tracks] to search for [125001|Lost Lil' Red].
Sys427959_nameFind the Lost Ostriches
Sys427959_szquest_accept_detailWe should try to track down that missing ostrich Lil' Red, and get to the bottom of all this.\n\nThere are some [125008|animal tracks] around here which I believe to have been left by an ostrich. But we should probably take a closer look before following them.\n\nCan you deal with that?\nI'll stand guard here, so no suspicious people can get close to the ostriches!
Sys427959_szquest_complete_detailHas [125001|Lost Lil' Red]... really been turned into an ostrich egg? What monster could do such a thing?!
Sys427959_szquest_desc[124995|Beatrice Maykern] wants you to join the hunt for the [549958|missing ostrich]. You'll find her outside [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. Take a closer look at the [125008|animal tracks] and if they prove to be identical to those of an ostrich, follow them and find [125001|Lost Lil' Red].
Sys427959_szquest_uncomplete_detailThat missing ostrich Lost Lil' Red... could it really be this egg?