result count: 9

SC_427960_1Preparations for the hatching are complete.
SC_427960_2In use.
SC_427960_3Stop! Stop it! What are you doing with that ostrich egg?
SC_427960_4...Alright. I can imagine why you're here... I'll tell you the truth then...
Sys427960_nameThe rebirth?!
Sys427960_szquest_accept_detailIs the Ostrich Egg by the riverside near [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor] [125001|Lost Lil' Red]? In that case, all we can do is hatch the egg and see what happens.
Sys427960_szquest_complete_detailExactly. As you can see, [125001|Lost Lil' Red] doesn't really exist. I was just pretending to be it. Like you, I just wanted to get a bit closer to the ostriches so I dressed as something they would accept.\n\nSo I secretly took some ostriches to study the pheromones they secrete. Every time I took an ostrich, I left behind an Ostrich Egg so as not to disrupt the balance.\n\nI didn't think that the ostriches would interpret this as humans turning them back into eggs!\nIf I could cast such an incredible spell, that would surely throw the world into chaos!
Sys427960_szquest_descIs the Ostrich Egg by the riverside near [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor] Lost Lil' Red? In that case, all we can do is [549962|try hatching the egg].
Sys427960_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs this Ostrich Egg [125001|Lost Lil' Red]? Please try hatching it.