result count: 9

SC_427965_1Mysterious Giant Beast... peculiar appearance... eyes like a rabbit's?\n\nAntlers on its head... wait, look are these bits...\n\nThe mouth of a cow, head of a camel, belly of a giant sea snake, paws of a tiger?\n\nEagle talons... giant serpentine body...\n\nAnd scales all over its body!\n\nMy oh my, what a creature this must be!
SC_427965_2Is the Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast afraid of fire?\n\nOr does it like water?\n\nSomeone saw it flying once...\n\nWhen injured, it apparently likes retreats to dark places to recover.
SC_427965_3This Mysterious Giant Beast can apparently control whole bodies of water, fly through the air and unleash an incredible destructive force...\n\nBut can it speak?\n\nThere are people who worship...\n\nDoes that mean it can make people's wishes come true!
SC_427965_4How terrible!\n\nWith just a flick of its paw, this Mysterious Giant Beast can collapse entire houses!\n\nScreaming... humans fleeing... casualties...\n\nAnyone who approaches it is doomed! Guaranteed!\n\nDon't go searching for it! And run away if you encounter it!
Sys427965_nameMysterious Ancient Giant Beast
Sys427965_szquest_accept_detailPsst...! We should keep quiet. Do you want to learn more about the [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast]?\n\nYou're sure to have noticed some [125029|Special Cursed Stone Tablets] hidden in various secret areas in the [ZONE_ZONE15_1|Thunderhoof Hills]. Just like this Stone Tablet here before me.\n\nI've already found a few and deciphered them. They tell of places no human has ever seen before. A ferocious beast has been living there for eons. It understands human language and possesses unimaginable powers. If you find it, it's said to even grant you wishes!\n\nWhat do you say? Do you want to come with me and search for this [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast]?\nI need your help finding more [125029|Special Cursed Stone Tablets] so we can track it down!
Sys427965_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! You have done some very detailed research. If we analyze this data with the information I already have, we can actually search for the [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast]!
Sys427965_szquest_descThe [125031|Giant Beast Archaeologist] from [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] is of the opinion that there are still more [125029|Special Stone Tablets] hidden in the [ZONE_ZONE15_1|Thunderfoot Hills]. Please investigate the form, preferred habitat, abilities and all additional clues about the[125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast] so the [125031|Giant Beast Archaeologist] can determine where to find its lair.\n\n(Investigate [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara], the [ZONE_ANCIENT_RUINS|Ancient Ruins], [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] and [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor].)
Sys427965_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [125029|Special Stone Tablets] contain various clues. We have to thoroughly analyze this information to find the [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast].