result count: 13

SC_427966_1I suspect it's located in the Sunset Mirror Caves.
SC_427966_2I suspect it's located in Milasso Forest.
SC_427966_3I suspect it's located in the Valley of Glory.
SC_427966_BUFF_1Your loud shouts echo through the empty space.
SC_427966_BUFF_2You cast a fire spell. The air suddenly reverberates and you hear a terrifying roar!
SC_427966_BUFF_3The [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast] appears before you! It gives you a bloodthirsty glare!
SC_427966_BUFF_4You should return to the [125031|Giant Beast Archaeologist].
SC_427966_BUFF_5You cast a fire spell. The air vibrates as if... no, nothing happened.
Sys427966_szquest_accept_detailAfter we've assessed the information we've collected, we can head out in search of the [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast].\n\nThe [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast] appears to like water? Perhaps it has a fear of water? The place it's staying would probably be larger than this. But I don't know if it prefers bright or dark places...\n\nHow do you feel about investigating its lair together? I'll buy a few magical items to teleport you there so you can investigate the area. But as you know... I'm an archaeologist, not a mage.\n\nTransporting you to the destination using these items is the extent of my abilities. Plus there will be a few side effects: you unfortunately won't be able to walk about to explore the area. So you'll have to[549981|research the lair of the Ancient Giant Beast] by using sounds and fire spells to lure it out.\n\nAnd keep an eye on the clock! If time runs out, you'll have to find your way back on your own.
Sys427966_szquest_complete_detailIncredible! Wonderful! What an exciting discovery! The [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast] really does exist! We actually found it!\n\nBut its current disposition is... unusual. I have to read up on this and will report back to you later.
Sys427966_szquest_descThe [125031|Giant Beast Archaeologist] from [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] would like to offer you support in locating the lair of the [125034|Mysterious Ancient Giant Beast]. He will transport you to the destination. Be sure to return before time runs out!
Sys427966_szquest_uncomplete_detailKeep an eye on the clock! If you take too long, I cannot transport you back!