result count: 9

SC_427968_1Hey, you can't just pick them!
SC_427968_2Please give the letter to [125038|Agatha Kayser].
SC_427968_3I found a love letter from an anonymous sender in the flowerbed.
SC_427968_4What? A love letter? Lots of people use the Flower Festival as a favorable opportunity to declare their love. It's a real shame that the letter ended up in the flowerbed. Let me read it - maybe it'll still be possible to deliver it to the intended recipient.
Sys427968_nameRoaring Trade
Sys427968_szquest_accept_detailIt's always impossible to meet the high demand for bouquets of flowers during the [DIR_TAGID_004|Flower Festival]! I've really got my hands full!\n\nAt the moment, I'm still missing some [244535|Carmine Passion Roses], [244534|Sublime Azure Roses], and Chaste... er, I mean [244536|Pure White Light Roses]. Help me, will you! I need some flowers from the flowerbed that's near [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn]. Will you get them for me?\n\nOh, almost forgot: Some strange phenomena have been observed in the flowerbed, apparently. Though I don't exactly what's been going on there. Make sure you're careful!
Sys427968_szquest_complete_detailDreadful! How can such [130058|Mutated Demon Blooms] be growing in a flowerbed?!
Sys427968_szquest_desc[125038|Agathe Kayser] wants you to pick some flowers from the flowerbed near [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn].
Sys427968_szquest_uncomplete_detailI really need more flowers! Would you help me? I need some flowers from the flowerbed that's near [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn]. Will you get them for me?