result count: 5

Sys427975_nameHunt for Rainbow Eggs
Sys427975_szquest_accept_detailHave you seen any eggs? What? You have to speak louder! My ears aren't what they used to be. You've come from the city, haven't you? HAVE YOU SEEN ANY EGGS?\n\nHiding eggs is in our instincts, you must know, but I'm too old for digging holes! So I've thought up another method. This chaotic city is ideal for hiding things, is it not? A bit louder! Exactly! So I've hidden a large number of eggs. (He puffs out his chest and wiggling his ears with pride.)\n\nSearch for the eggs I've hidden them in the city. Got it? What? A BIT LOUDER!
Sys427975_szquest_complete_detailIt's not so easy, is it? What? Louder, please!\n\nVery good, you put a lot of effort into hunting those eggs. Here is your reward!
Sys427975_szquest_descThe [125056|Old Wabbit] would like you to find 100 of the [244664|Old Rabbit's Rainbow Eggs] hidden in the city [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis].
Sys427975_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? WHAT DID YOU SAY? LOUDER!