result count: 5

Sys427980_nameGranny Norma
Sys427980_szquest_accept_detailOh no! I must have frightened him. The poor puss.\nIt's my fault; I overdid it!\n\nFor the first time in decades, I met someone who makes my heart beat faster, and I blew it! Boohoohooo...\n\nThis gorgeous [244811|Illusion dress] is the work of Norma, the master seamstress. But over the years, it has started to fade. My true appearance is revealed when I get upset... I wonder if Norma would be willing to make another dress for me. If only I had a new dress, I could once again transform into my immaculate self!\n\nWould you please ask her for me? Here's the payment for the Illusion Dress. If all goes well, I can give her even more! You'd also get a corresponding bonus, of course. I don't dare enter the village looking like this, so please do this favor for me!
Sys427980_szquest_complete_detailAh, is this about [124910|Betty Blanche]? Yes, I know her.\n\nI would gladly make another [244811|Illusion Dress] for her... But it's been over than 30 years now. Now I'm an old bag o' bones and my eyes are going. No money in the world can restore my youth...
Sys427980_szquest_desc[124910|Betty Blanche] asks you bring a large sum of money to [125072|Granny Norma] in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] and ask her to make a new [244811|Illusion Dress].
Sys427980_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease hurry! Granny lives nearby in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn].