result count: 5

Sys427982_nameFind Sam
Sys427982_szquest_accept_detailAh... now I know why. It must be because Sammy isn't here. Naughty Sammy! Where could he have gone?\n\nCould you find him for me? With him by my side, I'm sure I can do my work again!
Sys427982_szquest_complete_detailOh, Sammy, dearest, there you are!\nGranny missed you so much!\n\nMy sweet, little Sammy!\nMy wee precious, wescious!\nNow, you sit here and watch how granny sews the clothes. Hehehe!
Sys427982_szquest_desc[125072|Granny Norma] would like you to find her dear [244810|Black Cat Sam] and bring him to [125072|Granny Norma]. Sammy would never leave the village. Please scour all of [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn].
Sys427982_szquest_uncomplete_detailSammy is constantly roving.