result count: 5

Sys427997_nameMirrored Memories
Sys427997_szquest_accept_detailExcuse me... you look like a capable adventurer... maybe you could help me?\n\nMy companions and I have been collecting Hormone Crystals from the most promising-looking caves and ruins. But we made a terrible mistake...\n\nWe found ourselves in a dimensional tear that appeared to lead to the Necropolis of Mirrors. But the monsters there were many times more powerful than we could have imagined! It was like a murderous mirror image of the Necropolis that we know. Some of my friends... didn't make it.\n\nPlease, enter through this portal and visit hell upon the monsters of that terrible place, before anyone else suffers the same fate as we did!\n\nThere is of course something in it for you. When we turned heels and fled, I saw a large chest, deep inside the Necropolis, which is bound to contain some prize treasure.\n\n<CY>Note: You must venture into the </CY>[ZONE_DGN_NECROPOLIS_HARD|Necropolis of Mirrors (Hard)]<CY> instance to be able to complete this quest.</CY>
Sys427997_szquest_complete_detailThank you, adventurer. Not only have you dealt with this mysterious threat, no...\n\nWith your deeds, you have paid tribute to the memory of my friends. I feel better in the knowledge that justice has been served to the monsters who cut them down. You have my deepest gratitude.
Sys427997_szquest_descEnter the [ZONE_DGN_NECROPOLIS_HARD|Necropolis of Mirrors (Hard)], defeat the monsters there and open the [130249|Chest of Mirrors].
Sys427997_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease make sure no more adventurers suffer the same fate as my friends...