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Sys850541_name_pluralDivine Flower Protection Palms
Sys850541_shortnoteAttacks [121711|Flower Thief] with a heavy strike.\n
Sys850543_nameSpirit Punishment
Sys850543_name_pluralSpirit Punishment
Sys850544_nameReflected Damage
Sys850544_name_pluralReflected Damage
Sys850545_nameFunctional Release
Sys850545_name_pluralFunctional Release
Sys850546_nameEnergy Charge
Sys850546_name_pluralEnergy Charge
Sys850547_nameLight Lock
Sys850547_name_pluralLight Lock
Sys850548_nameBlazing Attack
Sys850548_name_pluralBlazing Attack
Sys850549_nameAcid Burst
Sys850549_name_pluralAcid Burst
Sys850550_nameCollect Potion
Sys850550_name_pluralCollect Potion
Sys850553_nameEarth Shockwave
Sys850553_name_pluralEarth Shockwaves
Sys850555_nameMagic Discharge
Sys850555_name_pluralMagic Discharge
Sys850556_nameFragrance Attraction
Sys850556_name_pluralFragrance Attractions
Sys850556_shortnoteUse it on the [121865|Greedy Ball] to emit a special fragrance which makes the [121865|Greedy Ball] turn into [121866|Sweet Greedy Ball] or [121867|Hot Greedy Ball] for capturing.\n
Sys850559_shortnoteYou can successfully capture the [121866|Sweet Greedy Ball] or have a chance of capturing the [121867|Hot Greedy Ball].\n

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