result count: 4

Sys100340_nameFantasma de marineroSailor's Ghost
Sys100340_name_pluralFantasmas de marinerosSailor's Ghosts
Sys100340_shortnoteHay varios naufragios junto al [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Cementerio de los Marineros], lo que lleva a la gente a cuestionarse el nombre del lugar. Suelen olvidar que hacen falta marineros para dirigir esos barcos.There are quite a few ship wrecks at the [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard] which let's people question the name of the place. But they forget that seamen are needed to steer those ships.
Sys100340_spellstring2La magia no me sirve de nada.Magic has no use for me.