result count: 3

Sys100861_nameDragón de frío aladoWinged Cold Dragon
Sys100861_name_pluralDragones de frío aladosWinged Cold Dragons
Sys100861_shortnoteEstos reptiles de gran tamaño tienen alas pero, en contra de la creencia popular, no pueden abalanzarse sobre una oveja y salir volando porque sus patas traseras son muy débiles. De todas formas son capaces de devorar a su presa de un bocado, por lo que no necesitan llevársela a ninguna parte.These large reptiles have wings, but contrary to popular belief, they can't just pounce on a sheep and fly away with it, because their hind legs are very weak. In fact, they have the ability to swallow their prey in one bite, so they have no need whatsoever to carry their prey away anyway.