result count: 3

Sys104490_nameOso gigante de la desgraciaMalevolence Giant Bear
Sys104490_name_pluralOsos gigantes de la desgraciaMalevolence Giant Bears
Sys104490_shortnoteLos osos gigantes que vagaban por la [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Tierra de la Desgracia] tuvieron que seguir a las [<S>104711|Avispas de la desgracia] en su migración. Se han instalado en las [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Llanuras de Kampel], donde prosperan.The giant bears that originally wandered across the [ZONE_SINISTER_LANDS|Land of Malevolence] had to follow the migration of the [<S>104711|Malevolence Wasps]. They have now gathered in [ZONE_CAMPBELL_RASSLANDS|Kampel Plains] where they are thriving.