result count: 3

Sys105436_shortnoteSi una persona dedica su vida al altar del mal, tendrá la oportunidad de regresar al mundo de los vivos tras su muerte como un poderoso Nigromante. No solo puede invocar a criaturas muertas para que sean sus esclavos o escudos, sino que también puede moverse sin piernas. Así no tendrá que preocuparse de pisar excrementos animales en medio de un sendero y de acabar de mal humor.If a living person dedicates his life to the altar of evil, then he has a chance to come back to the human realm as a powerful Necromancer. Not only can he summon undead creatures to serve as his slaves or punching bags, he can move without legs. Therefore he doesn't need to worry about stepping in animal droppings often found on the roadside and ruining his mood for the day.