result count: 3

Sys108171_nameShakia, señor de las profundidadesShakia the Lord of the Depths
Sys108171_name_pluralShakia, señor de las profundidadesShakia the Lord of the Depths
Sys108171_shortnoteSe dice que durante muchos años no se supo nada de [108171|Shakia, señor de las profundidades], al que hasta su derrota y posterior destierro temían todos los piratas. Ahora, por motivos que sólo él conoce, ha conseguido regresar a territorio pirata tras [SC_GDDR_00|Gerador].It is said that [108171|Shakia the Lord of the Depths], who was feared by all pirates until his defeat and exile, went missing for many years without a trace. Now, for reasons known only to him, he has returned to [SC_GDDR_00|Gerador] to the domain of pirates.