result count: 5

SC_116147_0Preguntar por los [<S>208081|Trozos de carne de Yasheedee].Inquire about [<S>208081|Chunks of Yasheedee Meat].
SC_116147_1Permitidme que os diga que se trata de lo más delicioso que he probado.\n\nSin embargo, es muy peligroso acercarse a los Yahseedees. Suelen acechar a su presa enterrados en la arena y la atacan por sorpresa.I have to tell you, that was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten!\n\nBut getting near the Yasheedees will be very dangerous. They often hide under the sand and take their prey completely by surprise.
Sys116147_nameDasheema EugellinovDasheema Eugellinov
Sys116147_name_pluralDasheema EugellinovDasheema Eugellinov
Sys116147_szquestnpctextComida... comida... Me muero... Necesito [<S>208081|Trozos de carne de Yasheedee]'m starving......I need some [<S>208081|Chunks of Yasheedee Meat]...