result count: 6

Sys420230_nameEl destino de GumaGumas' Fate
Sys420230_shortnoteOutiles os pidió que recuperarais el cuerpo del Magíster Gumas. Nunca se hubiera imaginado que ya hubierais encontrado al Magíster Gumas ni que este se hubiese convertido en un demonio. Por tanto, debéis matar al Magíster Gumas demoníaco para llevarle su cuerpo de regreso a Outiles.Outiles asked you to recover the corpse of Magister Gumas. He never expected that you have already encountered Magister Gumas, or that he has become a demon. Therefore you must kill the demon Magister Gumas to bring his corpse back.
Sys420230_szquest_accept_detailTenía un compañero llamado Gumas, pero desapareció. Se dice que el día que desapareció, alguien lo vio entrar solo en [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necrópolis de los Espejos].\n\nNo quería creerlo, pero ya ha pasado más de un mes... Me temo que debo aceptar la verdad y que Gumas murió en la [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necrópolis de los Espejos].\n\nAunque Gumas no puede volver a casa con vida, aún espero poder llevar su cuerpo de vuelta a su patria.\n\nQuiero que entréis en la [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necrópolis de los Espejos] y encontréis a [200679|Esqueleto del maestro Gumas]. No puedo hacer esto solo.I had a companion called Gumas, but he went missing. On the day he disappeared, it is said that someone saw him entering the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] alone. \n\nI didn't want to believe it, but over a month has passed now... I am afraid I must face the truth that Gumas died in the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors].\n\nAlthough Gumas can't come home alive now, I still hope I take his body back to the hometown.\n\nI want you to enter the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] to find [200679|Magister Gumas' Skeleton] for me. This is not something I can do alone.
Sys420230_szquest_complete_detail¡¿Esto es...Gumas?!\nNo había visto una magia así... ¿El poder de los demonios?\nGumas... ¿Qué demonios encontrasteis?\nNo, debería decir... ¿Qué demonios hicisteis?This is...Gumas?!\nI have never seen such magic before...The power of demons?\nGumas... What on earth did you find?\nNo, I should say... What on earth did you do?
Sys420230_szquest_descId a la [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necrópolis de los Espejos] para encontrar a [200679|Esqueleto del maestro Gumas].Go to [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] to find [200679|Magister Gumas' Skeleton].
Sys420230_szquest_uncomplete_detailAl parecer Gumas había actuado de forma extraña antes de desaparecer. Pero no esperaba que fuera a ir solo a la [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necrópolis de los Espejos].\n\nQué pena... Aunque espero que aún tenga una mínima posibilidad de seguir con vida, pero eso es casi imposible.It seemed Gumas had acted unusually before he disappeared. But I did not expect that he was going to the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] alone. \n\nAlas...Though I hope he still has a slight chance of being alive, but that is almost impossible.