result count: 6

Sys420361_nameLlave maestraMaster Key
Sys420361_shortnoteSolins recibió la llave maestra de [110321|Peter], pero tiene miedo de lo que pueda contener el cofre y quiere que alguien lo acompañe.Solins received the Skeleton Key provided by [110321|Peter], but he is afraid of what may be in the treasure chest and wants somebody to go with him.
Sys420361_szquest_accept_detailTengo una [200945|Llave maestra] que estaba a punto de tirar, ya que no la necesitaba, así que os la daré gratis.\n\nOs puedo asegurar que esta [200945|Llave maestra] puede abrir cualquier cerradura. Tomad y probadla.\n\nSi no funciona, traédmela, aunque no creo que os vaya a defraudar.I have a [200945|Master Key] that I was about to throw out because I have no use for it, but since you need one, you can have it for free.\n\nI guarantee that this [200945|Master Key] can open any lock. Go give it a try.\n\nBring it back to me if it doesn't work, although I don't think that will happen.
Sys420361_szquest_complete_detail¡Ja, ja, ja! ¿Ha conseguido crear una llave con tan solo echarle un vistazo a la cerradura? ¡Este [110321|Peter] es impresionante! Por fin podré conseguir mi preciado tesoro...\n\n¿Qué? ¿[110321|Peter] no ha creado esta llave? Bueno, eso no importa siempre y cuando sirva para abrir el cofre.\n\nPero...Wahaha! Able to create a key just by looking at a lock, [110321|Peter] is truly amazing. I can finally see my precious treasure.\n\nWhat? [110321|Peter] didn't create this key? It doesn't matter as long as it opens the treasure chest!\n\nBut...
Sys420361_szquest_descLlevadle la [200945|Llave maestra] de [110321|Peter] a [110345|Solins], que está en [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|La Gran Excavación].Bring [110321|Peter's] [200945|Master Key] back to [110345|Solins] at [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig].
Sys420361_szquest_uncomplete_detailEsperaré aquí a que me traigáis la [200945|Llave maestra] que haga [110321|Peter]. Trabaja como cerrajero en la [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Fortaleza Obsidiana].I will wait for you to bring back the [200945|Master Key] that [110321|Peter] creates! He is usually at the locksmith in [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold].