result count: 5

Sys420487_nameEl esconditeHide and Seek
Sys420487_szquest_accept_detail¿Habéis jugado alguna vez al escondite? Es muy divertido, aunque es una pena que en [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] no haya más niños.\n\nMe toca a mí ser el que busca. No he podido encontrar a [110074|Rey] ni a Peter... pero el padre de [110074|Rey] ya ha vuelto a casa y está enfadado porque [110074|Rey] no está allí.\n\n¿Podríais buscar a [110074|Rey] por mí? Decidle que el juego se ha acabado y que tiene que ir a casa cuanto antes.Have you ever played the game Hide and Seek? It's great fun, though it's a shame that there aren't more kids in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].\n\nIt's my turn to play the part of the seeker. I couldn't find [110074|Rey] or Peter ... but [110074|Rey's] father has already come back home and now he's angry that [110074|Rey] isn't there.\n\nCould you find [110074|Rey] for me? Tell him that the game is over and he needs to go home as soon as possible.
Sys420487_szquest_complete_detail¿Qué? ¿Mi padre ya está en casa?\n\n¡Se va a enfadar conmigo! Me fui a jugar en lugar de cuidar de los pollos. Rayos, seguro que me vuelve a castigar...What? My father is back home?\n\nHe's going to be mad at me! I went out to play instead of taking care of the chicken. Oh rats, I'm sure I'm gonna get punished again...
Sys420487_szquest_descEncontrad a [110074|Rey] y decidle que vuelva a casa.Find [110074|Rey] and tell him to go home.
Sys420487_szquest_uncomplete_detail[110074|Rey] es un cobarde, no irá muy lejos. Tiene que estar por [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]. Seguid buscándolo.[110074|Rey] is a coward. Still, he won't run too far. He must be in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] somewhere. Keep looking for him.