result count: 5

Sys421587_nameCuarta elecciónPick IV
Sys421587_szquest_accept_detail¡Elegid otra! [111770|Tatasha] leerá vuestro futuro.Pick another one! Let [111770|Tatasha] read your fortune!
Sys421587_szquest_complete_detailMuy pronto os sucederá algo.Oh, something is going to happen very soon for you.
Sys421587_szquest_descElegid una fortuna de [111770|Tatasha].Pick a fortune from [111770|Tatasha].
Sys421587_szquest_uncomplete_detail¡No! He vuelto a perderme de mi equipo...\n\n¿Cómo puede haberme pasado esto? Dejé miguitas de pan por el camino para saber volver, pero han desaparecido.\n\nDebo investigar este nuevo misterio, las migas de pan desaparecidas.Oh no... I got lost from my team again...\n\nHow can this have happened?! I had placed bread crumbs along the way so I could find my way back... but now they're all gone...\n\nI must investigate this new mystery - the disappearing breadcrumbs!