result count: 5

Sys422731_nameUtilización del equipoUsing the Equipment
Sys422731_szquest_accept_detailUna vez conseguidos los [<S>205874|Cristales], la siguiente misión es mucho más complicada. Debéis infiltraros en el [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valle de las Rocas Ardientes] y reuniros con [113448|Elson Jinkerna]. (Cof cof)... Debéis recorrer un largo camino.\n\nAunque hemos investigado el camino que va de las [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Llanuras de los Árboles Muertos] al [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valle de las Rocas Ardientes] y hemos encontrado que esa parte está en mal estado (cof)..., aún hay muchos Naga que patrullan la zona.\n\n¡Es una tarea difícil evitar a esos Naga! También será difícil encontrar a [113448|Elson Jinkerna].\n\nLo único que me queda son algunas de las herramientas que llevaba encima en esa época. Ahora os las entregaré a vos. En el interior hay algo importante: Es el [205881|Silbato secreto] que [113448|Elson Jinkerna] y yo dijimos que podía utilizarse para transmitir coordenadas. ¡Podéis utilizarlo para encontrar a Elson más fácilmente!\n\n(Cof cof cof)... Esperad, llevaos este [205880|Paquete]. ¡Debería ser de utilidad para ayudar a [113448|Elson Jinkerna]!The work that comes after getting the [<S>205874|Crystals] is the toughest part. Sneak into the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks] and meet up with [113448|Elson Jinkerna]. (Cough cough)...that should be a very long road.\n\nEven though we've researched the road through the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] to the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks] and found that part of it has fallen into disrepair, (cough)...there are still many Naga that patrol it.\n\nHow to easily bypass these Naga is a problem! How to find [113448|Elson Jinkerna] will also be a problem.\n\nAll I have left on hand now are some of the tools that I was equipped with at that time. Now I'll pass them on to you. There's something important inside, and that is the [205881|Secret Whistle] that [113448|Elson Jinkerna] and I said could be used to transfer coordinates. You can use it to find him more easily!\n\n(Cough cough cough)... Wait, please take this [205880|Package] with you. It should be able to help [113448|Elson Jinkerna]!
Sys422731_szquest_complete_detailSalvo las malas noticias, no se me ocurre ningún motivo por el que no fuera capaz de cumplir su promesa...\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], ¡contadme todo lo que ha ocurrido!Except for the bad news, I can't think of any reason that he wouldn't be able to carry out his promise...\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], please tell me everything that happened!
Sys422731_szquest_desc[113444|Moli Gerdoli] quiere que utilicéis algo de la [205879|Bolsa de herramientas] para viajar de las [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Llanuras de los Árboles Muertos] al [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valle de las Rocas Ardientes], encontrar a [113448|Elson Jinkerna] y darle el [205880|Paquete].[113444|Moli Gerdoli] wants you to use something in the [205879|Tool Pouch] to travel through the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] into the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks], find [113448|Elson Jinkerna] and give him the [205880|Package].
Sys422731_szquest_uncomplete_detailLleváis cosas de [113444|Moli Gerdoli]. ¿Qué pasa?You have [113444|Moli Gerdoli's] things on you. Why is this?