result count: 9

SC_423036_1Presiento que el caos se acerca.I feel that chaos is approaching...
SC_423036_2¿Quién sois?Who are you?
SC_423036_3[$PLAYERNAME] y yo somos compañeros. Hemos venido a ayudar a vuestra gente.[$PLAYERNAME] and I are partners. We are both here to assist your people.
SC_423036_4De acuerdo, daremos lo mejor de nosotros en esta lucha.All right, we shall do our best in this fight.
Sys423036_nameJuramento rotoBroken Oath
Sys423036_szquest_accept_detailDebemos contraatacar.\n\nFalta poco para hacer la entrega acordada a esos villanos de [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]. El lugar de encuentro está cerca del puente de madera, no muy lejos de aquí. [114453|Felius Gerwent] ya está allí. Llevadle esta [206796|Carta] para informarle de nuestros planes.\n\nIré en busca de otros lugareños para ir allí juntos.We must counterattack.\n\nIn a while it will be time for our scheduled delivery to those [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] villains. The meeting place will be next to the wooden bridge not far from here. [114453|Felius Gerwent] is already there. Bring this [206796|Letter] to him to let him know what we plan to do.\n\nI'll gather other villagers to go there together.
Sys423036_szquest_complete_detail¿Qué significa esta carta? ¿Los soldados de [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] han matado a [114451|Averia]?\n\nCondenados bandidos de [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]... Han infringido su juramento. Ya previne a [114452|Lafati Kuhio] hace tiempo de que solo se trataba de un alivio temporal, pero no quiso escucharme.\n\n¡Cómo se atreven!What is the meaning of this letter? [114451|Averia] was killed by [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano's] soldiers?\n\nSo, those worthless [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] thugs... They've broken the oath. I warned [114452|Lafati Kuhio] long ago that it would be just a moment's relief in exchange for enduring pain, but he didn't want to face the truth.\n\nHow dare they!
Sys423036_szquest_desc[114452|Lafati Kuhio] de [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor] quiere que le llevéis la [206796|Carta] a [114453|Felius Gerwent], que está esperando órdenes junto al puente de madera.[114452|Lafati Kuhio] from [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor] wants you to bring the [206796|Letter] to [114453|Felius Gerwent], who is awaiting orders next to the nearby wooden bridge.
Sys423036_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Un soldado de los Caballeros Corazón de León? ¿Por qué habéis venido aquí?A soldier of the Lionheart Knights? Why have you come here?