result count: 20

SC_423222_1[ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]...\n(El [114367|General Lance] examina atentamente la carta que tiene en la mano, sumido en sus pensamientos.)[ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]...\n([114367|General Lance] closely examines the letter in his hand, appearing to be lost in thought)
SC_423222_10Permitidme acudir a [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] para que pueda entender lo que está sucediendo. Como Comandante Segundo de los Caballeros Corazón de León y Segunda Dama de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], mi deber es ir allí y descubrir cuáles son las causas y las posibles consecuencias.Please allow me to go to [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] so that I may understand what's going on! As lieutenant commander of the Lionheart Knights and the Second Lady of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], I have a duty to go and get acquainted with the causes and possible effects.
SC_423222_11¿Qué opina el rey?What does the king mean?
SC_423222_12De acuerdo, podéis acudir a [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]... ¡Haced lo que hay que hacer!Ok, I acquiesce to your going to [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]... Just be sure to do what needs to be done!
SC_423222_13En tal caso, llevad con vos a ese escudero. Superó todas las expectativas en [ZONE_AYON|Aren] y tal vez vuelva a ser útil en [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador].That being the case, bring that squire along with you as well... He exceeded all expectations in [ZONE_AYON|Aren] and perhaps he'll prove himself to be of use once again in [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador].
SC_423222_2Ha llegado.She has arrived.
SC_423222_3Al parecer hay que discutir algo de vital importancia.Apparently there's something really important to discuss.
SC_423222_4Deberíais saber que [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] no ha asistido al Concilio de los Príncipes.Hmm ... You should know that [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] did not attend the Council of Lords.
SC_423222_5Sí... Yo tampoco conozco el motivo......Yes, I don't know the reason either....
SC_423222_6Además, [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] ha sufrido una serie de ataques y un gran número de sus habitantes ha desaparecido... Aún así [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] sigue negándose a acudir en ayuda de [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor]...On top of this, [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] has recently experienced a string of attacks and a large number of their villagers have also disappeared... Yet [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] has refused to come to the aid of [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor]...
SC_423222_7¿Que se niegan a ayudar? ¿Seguro que se trata de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]? No lo entiendo... Con la importancia que [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] le da a la vida, no deberían limitarse a observar...Refused to help? What? You're sure that you mean "[ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]"? How ... With the importance that [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] typically attaches to life, they shouldn't be sitting back and watching...
SC_423222_8Esta es la carta en la que [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] solicita ayuda.This is the letter from [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] requesting help.
SC_423222_9(El [114367|General Lance] le pasa la carta a [114368|Iswan "Rosa de hierro"].)([114367|General Lance] hands the letter to [114368|"Iron Rose" Iswan])
Sys423222_nameMensaje de KandorMessage from Kandor
Sys423222_szquest_accept_detailHmm... ¿[$PLAYERNAME]?\n\n(El [114367|General Lance] os mira atentamente.)\n\nMe alegro de que estéis aquí para uniros a la discusión.\n\nLas recientes acciones de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], que junto a [ZONE_AYON|Aren] es un fiel guardián de [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], son bastante insólitas. Esta situación debe resolverse.\n\nVos esperad aquí. Ya he mandado a alguien a que traiga a [114368|Iswan "Rosa de hierro"].Uh...[$playername]?\n\n([114367|General Lance] looks at you sincerely.)\n\nIt's good that you're here to join in the discussion.\n\nThe recent actions of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], which is with [ZONE_AYON|Aren] a loyal guard of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], are quite unusual. This situation must be resolved.\n\nYou wait here. I've already sent someone to bring [114368|"Iron Rose" Iswan] over.
Sys423222_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], preparad el equipamiento que vayáis a necesitar.\n\nQuizás los motivos de la anomalía de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] no sean tan simples.[$playername], prepare the equipment you'll need.\n\nPerhaps the reasons for the abnormality of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] are not simple.
Sys423222_szquest_descSeguid las instrucciones del [114367|General Lance], y permaneced en el palacio de [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] para participar en el debate de los sucesos.Follow the instructions of [114367|General Lance], and stay in the palace of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] to participate in the discussion of events.
Sys423222_szquest_uncomplete_detailOriginalmente, la lealtad de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] al trono de [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] era la misma que en [ZONE_AYON|Aren].\n\nCuando [ZONE_AYON|Aren] actuó de forma incorrecta se debió a la Dama [114694|Victoria]. Ahora, [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]...Originally, the loyalty of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] to the throne of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] was the same as [ZONE_AYON|Aren].\n\nWhen [ZONE_AYON|Aren] once acted inappropriately, it was because of Lady [114694|Victoria]. Now, [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]...