result count: 5

Sys425519_nameAceptación de responsabilidadesTaking Responsibility
Sys425519_szquest_accept_detailNecesito contaros algo: [115892|Jill] lo ha dejado. No tenemos una relación muy estrecha, así que no sé por qué quiere traicionar a la Alianza. Seguro que vos habéis descubierto algo en el [ZONE_BALENCETEMPLE|Santuario del Equilibrio], ¿no? \n\nPero no pretendo cotillear, ¡je, je! Lo que quería contaros es que, desde que [115892|Jill] desertó, otras personas han seguido sus pasos. Algunos caballeros y capitanes, incluso. Por eso debemos investigar más a fondo. Podréis entender que las batallas libradas por mi reino en el pasado han tenido un efecto negativo en la moral de la gente, y eso me preocupa. \n\nOs cuento todo esto porque espero que podáis echar una mano en una investigación privada. [121378|Marcy Kaleen] es una líder seria y responsable. La última persona en desertar estaba a su cargo y ha sido un golpe tan duro para ella que me ha presentado su renuncia. Si no somos capaces de mantener a la gente más capacitada a nuestro lado, esta guerra se pondrá cada vez más difícil. Espero que podáis convencerla para que se quede. El nombre de su sucesor está escrito en esta carta; si lográis convencerla, pedidle que la rompa.There is something that I need to talk with you about and that is [115892|Jill] leaving. Her and I weren't that close, so I don't know why she would want to betray the Alliance, but you must have found something in the [ZONE_BALENCETEMPLE|Sanctuary of Balance], right? \n\nI'm not here to talk gossip, however. Hahaha. What I want to tell you is that ever since [115892|Jill] defected, quite a few members have followed her. Some of them were even ranked as high as Knight and Captain. That means that we have to look deeper into this matter. You understand that my kingdom's battle in the past has had a negative effect on morale so you know why I'm concerned. \n\nI'm telling you all this because I hope that you can help conduct a private investigation. [121378|Marcy Kaleen] is a serious, responsible leader. The most recent defection was from one of her subordinates. It has dealt a heavy blow to her, so she came here and resigned her position to me. You understand that if we can't keep talented people, then this war will become more and more difficult. I hope you can help me convince her to stay. This letter names her successor. If you can convince her to stay, then have her rip the letter up.
Sys425519_szquest_complete_detailSoy yo quien debe tomar la decisión, ¿verdad? He estado pensando si irme o no, pero quizás deba aceptarlo: no soy la persona adecuada para este puesto. Sabéis que no es la primera vez que sucede algo así.\n\nDe veras que pienso que el problema soy yo.This letter...the final decision is up to me, right? I have thought a lot about whether or not I should leave, but maybe that's just it. Maybe I'm not the right person for this type of post. You know that this is not the first time something like this has happened...\n\nI really think that it's a problem with me...
Sys425519_szquest_descLlevad la [241610|Términos de la carta de nombramiento] a [121378|Marcy Kaleen] en el [ZONE_BORFA_CAMP|Campamento de Borapha] y tratad de convencerla para que se quede.Take the [241610|Terms of Appointment Letter] to [121378|Marcy Kaleen] in the [ZONE_BORFA_CAMP|Borapha Camp] and try to convince her to stay.
Sys425519_szquest_uncomplete_detailVolvemos a encontrarnos, Maestro caballero. ¿Tenéis algo para mí?We meet again, Master Knight. Do you have something for me?