result count: 2

Sys490088_nameSin miedoFearless
Sys490088_shortnoteAumenta vuestra valentía. Mientras dura el efecto, sois inmune al Miedo. También aumenta la [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Fuerza] y la [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Resistencia] en un 3 % durante (Buff0-Time) segundos.\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_FEAR|<CM>(Esta habilidad puede usarse aunque os encontréis en un estado que no permite lanzar hechizos).</CM>]Increases your courage. During the effect time, you are immune against Fear. Also increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] by 3% for (Buff0-Time) seconds.\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_FEAR|<CM>(This skill can be used even if you are in a state that doesn't allow you to cast spells.)</CM>]