result count: 4

Sys100794_nameHafiz SombrecorneBlackhorn Hafiz
Sys100794_name_pluralHafiz SombrecorneBlackhorn Hafizes
Sys100794_shortnoteHéros de Capra et ex-meilleur général de Capra.\n\nSous l'effet de la magie utilisée pour vaincre les cyclopes, la peau d'Hafiz (ainsi que celle tous ses hommes) devint noire comme le jais.\n\nAprès le coup d'état, il s'empara du sol sacré du[ZONE_BORSBURS|Sanctuaire de Pasper] et renversa Yarfas, le chef de Capra.Formerly, the strongest Capra General. He is also the hero of Capra.\n\nIn order to gain the power to resist the Cyclopes, he became a prisoner of magic ending in him and those who followed him being covered in black.\n\nAfter the coup, he seized the sacred ground at [ZONE_BORSBURS|Pasper's Shrine] and opposed Capra's leader, Yarfas.
Sys100794_titlenameGénéral CapraCapra General