result count: 8

SAY_110053_1D'accord !Okay!
SAY_110053_2Haha ! Les p'tits poulets dodus sont trop mignons !Haha! The chubby chicks are so cute!
SAY_110053_3Oh, je ferai attention, [110052|Dell].Oh! I will be careful, [110052|Dell].
SC_110053_0Jouer à cache-cache, c'est marrant, mais quand on n'arrive pas à trouver les autres, ça donne mal au crâne !Hide and seek is very fun, but it can give you a headache if the other person hides so well you can't find them!
Sys110053_shortnoteUne enfant abandonnée il y a sept ans, devant la taverne. Elle pense toujours revoir un jour ses parents.Child who was left at the entrance of the tavern seven years ago as an infant. She still believes her parents will back for her one day.
Sys110053_szquestnpctextOù donc sont passés [110074|Rey] et Peter ?Where could [110074|Rey] and Peter have gone?