result count: 6

ST_110318_0La foi du chevalier est sa raison d'être.\n\nLa foi le protège et fait de lui une forteresse imprenable sur laquelle les ennemis viennent se briser un par un. Nul ne peut s'opposer à son inébranlable détermination.\n\nLa lumière qui brille en son âme est si forte et si pure qu'elle brûle ses ennemis et renforce son bouclier. Le chevalier est littéralement protégé par un mur de foi et son bouclier est son allié le plus précieux.\n\nLorsque tout semble perdu, le chevalier n'hésite jamais à se sacrifier pour sa cause. La mort n'est rien comparée à l'échec.\n\nLe chevalier vit et meurt en restant toujours fidèle aux préceptes sacrés.Faith is critical to knights.\n\nOur faith is our protection, allowing us to transform into living fortresses in order to reach our goals. Capable of stopping even the strongest of enemies with our heavy plate armor and shields, we force our enemies to surrender to our indomitable will.\n\nSupported by such strong hearts, the elements of light within our souls turn into pure power, becoming holy sigils burned onto our enemies. These holy sigils respond to our will, hindering and damaging those who oppose us. At the same time, this light also enhances our shields to grant them new powers, acting as a wall of faith. When a knight cannot stop an enemy through their own power, the shield will be his strongest ally.\n\nIf we have no way to protect our treasured items with the weapons and shields at hand, we will gladly sacrifice ourselves. For a knight, nothing is more painful than the failure of keeping the faith. \n\nOur faith is the entire meaning of our existence, and our eternal spirit.
Sys110318_shortnoteChevalier chevronné qui soumet aux chevaliers des quêtes d'évaluation.Senior knight; provides knights with trial quests.
Sys110318_szquestnpctextJe me nomme Parsting. Ma tâche dans l'Association des Aventuriers est de transmettre le crédo des chevaliers. J'espère parvenir à faire des émules à la volonté inébranlable.My name is Parsting. I came to the Adventurers' Association to pass on the faith of us knights. I hope I will be successful in developing rock-solid conviction in as many knights as I can.
Sys110318_titlenameMaître chevalierKnight Instructor