result count: 11

SC_110539_1On dirait bien que ce type a tué Morrison. On fait quoi, maintenant ?It looks like Morrison was murdered by that guy. What will we do now?
SC_110539_2On fait quoi ? C'te question ! On va dire au chef que Morrison n'est plus un problème et ensuite on va se soûler dans la première taverne !What are we going to do? We're going to report back that we don't have to worry about Morrison's big mouth anymore! And then we're going to find a tavern to have a drink!
SC_110539_3Et le meurtrier ? On le laisse courir ?Shouldn't we do something about the murderer?
SC_110539_4Bah, pas la peine, c'est trop risqué.Nothing good will come of it. Let's just leave him.
SO_110539_1Vous êtes [100081|Morrison]. Donnez-moi la recette !You are [100081|Morrison]. Give me the recipe!
ST_110539_1Donner la recette ? Impossible !Hand over the recipe? Impossible!
Sys110539_szquestnpctextHi hi hi... Comme ça, tout sera à moi...\n\nEh ! Vous m'espionnez, c'est ça ?Hee hee hee... This way, I can take it all for myself...\n\nHey! Are you eavesdropping on me!?
Sys110539_titlenamePropriétaire de la ferme de MaidgeOwner of Maidge's Farm