result count: 2

Sys118636_namePeter GygaxPeter Gygax
Sys118636_szquestnpctextLa pierre tombale porte l'épitaphe suivante :\n\n"Cet artisan travaillait dans l'atelier de sculpture de ses rêves. Il était toujours occupé mais il s'attelait à ses tâches sans jamais se plaindre.\n\nUn jour, son foie décida qu'il en avait assez et prit des vacances définitives."\n\n"Il est enterré avec ses livres adorés."The tombstone bears the following inscription: \n\n"This craftsman got into the carving workshop of his dreams. There was never a time he wasn't busy, but he paid no heed, putting his head down and soldiering on. \n\nOne day, his liver decided it had had enough, so it called up and declared a permanent vacation."\n\n"He is buried with his cherished books."