result count: 4

SC_202861_1En un temps fort reculé, Ayvenas, dieu des dieux, créa un livre divin, le Taborea. Et dans ce livre étaient consignées les origines du monde et de toute vie.\n\nAyvenas imagina de vastes plaines, des arbres dont la cime touche les nuages, un ciel incommensurable et de douces nuits étoilées, et le monde fut. Il rêva d'une musique apaisante, et ainsi naquit le vent.\n\nPuis Ayvenas, se sentant seul, façonna les animaux à partir de la boue.A long time ago, Ayvenas, god of gods created a book. In this book was recorded the beginning of the world and the origin of all life. This book was called Taborea.\n\nIn Taborea, Ayvenas wrote about endless grasslands and trees that soared to the sky. He wrote of a sky of beautiful blue and nights of sparkling stars, and so it was. He wrote words of beautiful music to surround it all, and there was wind.\n\nAlthough surrounded by such beauty, Ayvenas felt lonely. So he created animals out of the mud.
Sys202861_nameLégendes de Taborea, page 1Legends of Taborea, Page 1
Sys202861_name_pluralLégendes de Taborea, page 1Legends of Taborea, Page 1
Sys202861_shortnote(Clic droit pour lire).(Right-click to view.)