result count: 4

SC_202864_1Ayvenas enseigna à chacun des talents et des connaissances selon son bon vouloir, et les peuples devinrent très différents les uns des autres. Là où certains cultivaient la terre et vivaient de leur chasse, d'autres préféraient piller ou voler. Bientôt, ayant appris à se défendre, les peuples commencèrent à guerroyer.\n\nAlors Ayvenas, désireux de donner aux peuples le choix de leur destinée, déchira les pages encore vierges du Taboréa et les souffla aux quatre vents. L'avenir du monde était désormais entre leurs mains.Because of Ayvenas' carelessness, the people of the world changed. Ayvenas' incarnations taught the people knowledge and skills. But discrepancies started to arise between the groups. When they were taught how to receive rewards from their skills some people cultivated and hunted, but others began to rob and plunder. When told how to stand up to danger in their lives, the tribes achieved harmony within, but they started to wage war on each other.\n\nAyvenas realized that this world was theirs now. So he ripped the future pages of Taborea apart and scattered the scraps in all four corners of the world. Ayvenas wanted to give the power over the world's destiny to the people. The future of Taborea was in their hands.
Sys202864_nameLégendes de Taborea, page 6Legends of Taborea, Page 6
Sys202864_name_pluralLégendes de Taborea, page 6Legends of Taborea, Page 6
Sys202864_shortnote(Clic droit pour lire).(Right-click to view.)