result count: 5

Sys424051_nameUn coup au moralA Rumor Bad for Morale
Sys424051_szquest_accept_detailDes rumeurs circulent depuis quelque temps et ça rend les aventuriers anxieux. [$PLAYERNAME], j'aimerais que vous meniez l'enquête discrètement pour découvrir qui propage ces rumeurs. On manque de troupes sur la ligne de front et les renforts manquent. Si ça continue, on aura du mal à se remettre de cette situation...\n\nSi vous découvrez des indices, revenez vite me faire un rapport.Recently there have been many rumors going around that are making the adventurers anxious. [$PLAYERNAME], I need you to conduct a secret investigation to find out who is spreading these rumors that are making many adventurers hesitant. If there gets to be a shortage of troops at the front lines, our rear support will break apart, eventually causing a situation that would be difficult to recover from... \n\n[$PLAYERNAME], if you discover any clues, hurry back and report them to me.
Sys424051_szquest_complete_detailOui... Maintenant, nous avons des témoins. Ce n'est pas totalement sûr. Il faudrait pousser l'enquête encore un peu. Commencez vos investigations à proximité.Yes... Now we have some witnesses. Although we still can't be completely sure, so we need to investigate further. Start your investigations from somewhere close and work out from there.
Sys424051_szquest_descDécouvrez d'où viennent les rumeurs.Find out where the rumors started from.
Sys424051_szquest_uncomplete_detailQu'y a-t-il ? Un problème ?What happened? Is there some problem?