result count: 2

Sys498220_namePuissance immortelleImmortal Power
Sys498220_shortnoteUn puissance immortelle jaillit du plus profond de votre être. Vous pouvez subir [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Dégâts physiques subis] et [SC_SKILLTIPS_MHURT_PASSIVE|Dégâts magiques reçus] trois fois en l'espace de (Buff0-Time) secondes.Immortal power flows from the deepest recesses of your being. You can withstand [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Received Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MHURT_PASSIVE|Received Magical Damage] three times over the course of (Buff0-Time) seconds.