result count: 3

Sys109283_nameZmieszany Kaktus OwocowyConfused Fruit Cactus
Sys109283_name_pluralZmieszane Kaktusy OwocoweConfused Fruit Cacti
Sys109283_shortnoteWskutek przetransportowania ich wraz z ich otoczeniem z [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Kanionu Piaskowego Diabła] na [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq], te [<S>100658|Kaktusy Owocowe] stały się oszołomione i źle usposobione, co widać po ich uschniętych owocach.Since they were transported to the island of [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq] from their normal environment in the [ZONE_DUSTBLOOM CANYON|Dust Devil Canyon], these [<S>100658|Fruit Cacti] are both bewildered and bad-tempered, which is why the fruit on their heads look so withered.