result count: 4

Sys109754_shortnoteWierna prawa ręka Zhargosa Bezdusznego. To pradawny Ognisty Bies nie pochodzi jednak ze [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Zbiornika Magmy], tak jak młody Ognisty Bies. Podziela on niszczący gniew swojego mistrza i bez wahania odda swoje życie za niego.The loyal servant of Zhargos the Soulless One. He is a primordial flame devil, but unlike the young flame devils his origins lie not within the [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Magma Basin]. He shares his master's destructive rage, and would give anything for his master, including laying down his own life.
Sys109754_titlenamePosłaniec PopiołuThe Ashbringer